Blue Campaign is a DHS public awareness campaign.

1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733) to DHS help line.

Let us stop hurting our children in our lifetime.

We must end child sex trafficking, child slavery, sexual exploitation of children of any kind, child labor… ALL of it,  all over the world.

Here’s how you can help immediately…


Read and sign the manifesto below

Share it widely – friends, family, and social media

Take action! See action steps in Manifesto

Saving our Children Manifesto


Here’s what we have to do – in our lifetime. In my lifetime, in your lifetime.

We have to end child slavery, sexual exploitation of children and wholesale violence of any kind, towards children. All over the world.

We have to protect our innocent, beautiful children. We simply have no choice if we claim the handle, “human being.”

Are we being our most human selves, if we know that children all over the world are suffering, being bought and sold, abused, used, violently assaulted and killed, then with that knowledge, we do nothing?

Here’s how we will end this evil horror:
We/I will do whatever is necessary to know and accept the facts of how many and how our children are being hurt
We/I will share these facts and news reports as far and wide as we are/I am capable
We/I will support one or more rescue and after-care organizations once they are thoroughly checked out
We/I will immediately stop doing business with any individual or business who is engaged in ANY way – even if indirectly, with the abuse/sale/exploitation of children
We/I will tell others who and what businesses I am no longer supporting and WHY
We/I will take these actions for as long as there are children in slavery or sexual bondage of any kind
I will play my part, with enthusiasm and passion, in ending child slavery, the sexual exploitation of children and any and ALL abuse of our innocent, beautiful children.

They are ALL innocent and beautiful and their lives depend upon our humanity.

I cannot live on this earth and turn away from this evil horror. I WILL do my part.

And I will do it with a heart filled with love.


We can do it, with your help.

Chris Kelly
Panama, Central America

1 month ago

Adeyinka Ogunfowora
Brooklyn, New York

1 month ago

Alfredo Montero Mayans
Trinidad & Tobago

1 month ago

Steve G.
Georgetown, Guyana

1 month ago

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Together we can end child sex trafficking IN OUR LIFETIME.