If you have not seen it, please do. Whatever critique I or anyone else can have will not nullify the tremendous positive impact this movie is having on raising awareness about this horrific issue.
Here is one very balanced bit of feedback from a sex trafficking survivor – she shares valid concerns. Click here view her video.
I’m still shocked that people found a way to make this movie and of course its subject matter a political football in their distraction game. The actors or producers or director weren’t lined up with their politics so the movie must be a false narrative – FALSE. The situation is not nearly as bad as the movie says it is – FALSE.
Maybe it’s cognitive dissonance at work – do all we can to deny the evidence and rationalize away the facts in our face when it’s just too hard to face. Facts that are contrary to our present position.
I encourage you to view this movie with your mind and heart wide open. I hope you don’t enjoy it. I know you won’t, but you will appreciate the increased awareness.
To everyone’s surprise, it has been a box office success – which I find so very encouraging. The more people become aware of this heinous crime against humanity – the trafficking, sexualizing, and enslavement of our children, the closer we come to a critical mass of informed and caring individuals. And that will lead to more children being saved and less children being sexualized, trafficked, and traumatized.
I visualize a world where this evil practice is only known in the horror stories told of our painful past. The more of us with this vision and the action that must follow, the sooner it becomes reality.
IF you haven’t yet, please sign our manifesto to raise awareness at: