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Have you heard of Child Help?

by | Aug 4, 2020

Thank you so much for this feature, Operation Underground Railroad! We are proud to partner with this impactful organization through their #RiseUp campaign this month, and to also collaborate on a new child exploitation prevention component for Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe. We also share a dedicated passionate advocate in Childhelp Youth Ambassador Rosevelt_Sings! Check out the full spotlight:…/childhelp-and-our-collaborate…
Have you heard of @childhelp? ⁠
When a young girl named “Zoe” came to the Childhelp Residential Treatment Village, there was something that took time for her to share with staff. After some encouragement from a friend, Zoe told her therapist that her grandmother regularly sold her to adult men as a way to fund her grandmother’s drug addiction.⁠
Childhelp’s wraparound services helped a survivor of sex trafficking heal her mind, heart and soul, and now she was ready to move on to a safe, loving home.⁠
Together, O.U.R. and Childhelp collaborate to bring awareness to the issues of child exploitation and human trafficking plaguing the country. We are collaborating on a new child exploitation component for Childhelp’s “Speak Up Be Safe”, a prevention education curriculum taught in schools around the world. ⁠
This month, leading up to World Day Against Trafficking on July 30th, O.U.R. is excited to spotlight various organizations who make an impact in the lives of survivors. Thank you to Childhelp for choosing to #RISEUP with us this year!