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At age 14, “Katie” was first introduced to drugs by her father

by | Aug 6, 2021

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At age 14, “Katie” was first introduced to drugs by her father. She continued experimenting with drugs, and two years later, she ended up being trapped by a drug dealer and forced into sex trafficking.

For eight years, Katie was trafficked across multiple states. Katie reached out for help and was brought to the Phoenix Dream Center. At the facility, she has been able to work through the trauma she experienced. She is now making plans for the future. Katie is currently finishing her high school degree and will then attend a local university with her tuition paid for by the center.

The Phoenix Dream Center provides survivors like Katie with the opportunity to follow their dreams, and O.U.R. is honored to support their work. O.U.R. sponsors many of the center’s projects; currently, the organizations are collaborating to remodel the center’s behavioral clinic and upgrade its equipment.

This month, leading up to World Day Against Trafficking on July 30th, O.U.R. is excited to spotlight various organizations who make an impact in the lives of survivors. Thank you to Phoenix Dream Center for choosing to #RISEUP with us this year!