Around a year ago, we shared the brave story of “Sabrina”, also known as, “Little Wonder Woman.” Sabrina was not only the hero of her own journey, but her courageous court testimony led to two more arrests and the rescue of three additional survivors!
O.U.R. is proud to announce that Sabrina’s trafficker was sentenced to 12 years in prison and is required to pay restitution back to the family.
Our partners on the ground and the partnering aftercare home gladly provided the lawyers to help assist Sabrina’s court case that eventually led to the trafficker’s prosecution.
Read our previous updates below about this incredible young survivor whom everyone came to know and love as “Little Wonder Woman.”
When the identity of 7-year-old “Sabrina,” was verified from an online child exploitation video, O.U.R. and law enforcement quickly made plans to arrest the traffickers and remove her from harm’s way. The time soon came for those accused to face a trial. When presented with the prospect of telling her story in court, Sabrina bravely asked to face those who had hurt her.
During her testimony, 7-year-old Sabrina courageously spoke about two other men who abused her, and her testimony led to their arrests.
Her testimony also led to the rescue of three survivors, ages 10, 12, and 13. All of the survivors were placed in a loving and tender aftercare home and received the support and care that they deserve!